Difference between those two is the size of the leafs and also amount of “ya bao” . “tou chun” have smaller leafs and more “ya bao” which makes overall sweetness. Small leafs release the rich flavor quickly and along the noticeable sweetness of “ya bao” the slight bitterness of hong cha is in present. Overall body would be woody and nutty with pleasant biterness.

From Feng Qing – spring black ( red ) tea
Chun wei doesn’t have that many “ya bao” but overall sweetness is reached by processing. Bigger leafs need more time to release real juice , but still its not as rich as “tou chun” . Overall body would be rather more fruity .With color of tea soup and scent reminds type of the black tea called “Wu Long Hong” ,which is a red tea post-processed as oolong. ( http://www.yunnancraft.com/en/red-black-tea-fengqing/wu-long-hong-cha )
This tea also has a bit sour notes , which would disclose that the processing is not perfect. That is the art and skill about processing Ye Sheng teas. If you do it wrong, it turns sour. This one in not that bad, just have touch of it and could be rather than pleasant as a summer drinker.
Price difference: There is significant price difference. Chun Wei is almost double of the “tou chun” price. We don’t know if the processing work is twice as much harder but speak of the taste, we wouldn’t rate it like that. Chun Wei deserves bit higher price , but not double for sure.