Ku Zhu Shan
Tea farmer with small own production from arbor tea trees planted in the forest area. Also being a part of the joined society of tea farmers generating larger quantities of the bush tea production together. Continue reading Ku Zhu Shan
Tea farmer with small own production from arbor tea trees planted in the forest area. Also being a part of the joined society of tea farmers generating larger quantities of the bush tea production together. Continue reading Ku Zhu Shan
An article reflecting first half of 2020 year situation in tea business in Yunnan and all China. Report from situation on Kunming tea market and predicting of the near future of the tea business export and domestic market. Continue reading Tea Market News 2020
How to judge the quality of tea? Understanding the differences between various tea grades and tea processing. Distinguishing the price of marketing from the actual value of quality. Continue reading Quality of Tea