Ku Zhu Shan
Tea farmer with small own production from arbor tea trees planted in the forest area. Also being a part of the joined society of tea farmers generating larger quantities of the bush tea production together. Continue reading Ku Zhu Shan
Articles dedicated to the black tea ,also known from Chinese as a Red tea. Blogs about sourcing black tea in Yunnan or tips for brewing or choosing good quality and grade of red tea.
Tea farmer with small own production from arbor tea trees planted in the forest area. Also being a part of the joined society of tea farmers generating larger quantities of the bush tea production together. Continue reading Ku Zhu Shan
Small village in Jinggu county with few individuals harvesting and producing tea from local plantations or from wild tea trees located in near by forest. Continue reading Bai Mu Qing
Yunnan family run tea business owning a small tea garden on the slope at the edge of the forest located deep in mountains. Continue reading Ya Kou Zhai
ZiJuan – pruple tea varietal plantation located in forest area in Menghai near Dai village. Visiting a tea farmer from local ethnic minority and learning about their small processing tea manufacture. Continue reading Zi Juan – Purple tea
Ailao Shan – mountain with vast organic tea plantations and tea gardens. Tea farmers , small tea producers to semi large tea factories. Continue reading Ailao Shan
Comparing two same black (red) teas – Big Golden Needles ” Da Jing Zhen ” in different grades. Grade 1 and grade 2. Visual differences and tastes during the individual steeping. Continue reading Da Jin Zhen ( Golden Needles )
Comparing two same black ( red ) teas from wild tea tree variety harvested in different times. 1st flush “tou chun” and last spring harvest ” chun wei “. Observing visual differences and comparing taste characteristics within individual steepings. Continue reading Wild Black Tea
Comparing two same black ( red ) Dian Hong teas Da Jin Ya ” Big Golden Buds” in two different grades. Grade 1 and grade 2. Observing visual differences and comparing taste characteristics within individual steepings. Continue reading Da Jin Ya
Choosing right tea can be difficult for beginners. This article highlights few important elements which can help to beginning tea drinkers make a right decision when to comes to the very first purchase of tea. Continue reading Choosing Tea
Tea marketing concepts in China used to up-sale the products. Various methods how Chinese tea vendors advertise and promote their tea. Continue reading Tea Marketing